Former Shore Base Logistic Supervisor, Jerry Holstein, about TubeLock® TTRS

Changing pipe handling both onshore and offshore

Former Shore Base Logistic Supervisor, Jerry Holstein has experienced first-hand how TubeLock® TTRS has changed pipe handling both onshore and offshore.

Jerry Holstein, Operations Manager at Global Gravity, formerly worked as Shore Base Logistic Supervisor for a major Oil and Gas operator at various locations around the world.
With years of experience in the offshore industry, Jerry Holstein Is considered quite an expert when it comes to pipe handling.

Jerry has used various types of pipe transportation systems, including both wire slings and TubeLock® TTRS. One of the advantages Jerry highlights with using TubeLock instead of wire slings is the reduced interaction between people and pipe handling, which greatly reduces the risk of personnel injuries.

“The fact that each frame is individually numbered already when the tubes are packed onshore makes the following activities with boat loading/offloading, manifests and creating loadout plans much easier and reduces the time spend on planning”, says Jerry Holstein from Global Gravity.

Several benefits of working with TubeLock® TTRS

As an Operations Manager Jerry knows the importance of working smart and optimizing every single operation. He experiences a lot of advantages in his everyday job working with TubeLock® TTRS – not only imoprovements on personnel safety and reduced handling time, but also reduced pipe damages. Delicate pipes, such as for example chrome pipes, are kept from direct contact with carbon steel. 

“When working with pipe handling and especially wire slings, I have experienced many unsafe situations as the sling sometimes get trapped between pipes when they are stacked. This situation is particularly common for the boat deck crew,” Jerry says. “This does not happen with TubeLock® TTRS as the frames are stacked neatly on top of each other, without the risk of anything getting trapped.”

Another benefit of using TubeLock® TTRS is the impact on the environment. The  TubeLock® TTRS systems are reused time and time again, which reduces the waste impact on the environment. Other systems, such as wire slings, are used one time only and then scrapped.


Global Gravity was established in Esbjerg in 2011, and invented the patentet TubeLock® TTRS system – the world’s first Tubular Transport Running System (TTRS).

The system was invented as a way to improve offshore  safety in regards to pipe transport and handling.

Case studies have shown that customers reduce time spent on the overall handling process by 18%, but an incredible 56% on crane pipe handling alone, as compared to the traditional solutions. 

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Global Gravity wins Safety Initiative Award

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