The world is our shared responsibility

As we are all too aware, something has to change in the way we live our lives and run our businesses, if we are to contain the damages of the copious amounts of carbon emissions, we let out daily. 

At Global Gravity, we can, of course, not save the world. But we are committed to being a safe and responsible business. We can help – and so can you. 

As you may know, yourself, in order to make lasting sustainable changes, it has to be easy. If you find yourself missing the old ways, eventually, you will falter and go back to what was before. We know this too. But making your pipe handling more sustainable is the easiest CO2 reduction you will make – and it comes with so many other benefits that you will never look back. Promise.

Our system makes a tangible difference for our customers in helping them reduce their CO2 emissions. When using TubeLock® TTRS for tubular transportation, you effectively cut your pipe handling down substantially. Among other benefits, that means 50% less polluting crane time, fewer boat hours and less truck trips. 

Furthermore, TubeLock® TTRS is a use-and-reuse system for rental. The system is highly durable and has impressive longevity, thus saving the environment from unnecessary production and waste.


Sustainable Development Goals

We are all aware that there are changes in the world. World leaders, in 2015, agreed on development goals that are the blueprint for peace and prosperity. The goal is to have a better world by 2030. At Global Gravity, we are guided by these goals, and we want to create a better future for the next generations and help change the world.

Our current focus areas are:

the 17 UN sustainability goals

3) Good health and well-being

  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

8) Decent work and economic growth

  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation

12) Responsible consumption and production

  • Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

We know we cannot change the world by ourselves, but we work hard every day to contribute to the UN’s development goals. Step by step, we move forward, and our team gains new knowledge that can be put to use for creating a better tomorrow.

Nothing can be changed overnight, but we are getting closer to our goals every day.

With TubeLock, you can also be part of that change, check our reasons and benefits for you and our planet Earth.


Reasons for you to make a change

Using TubeLock® will save you time - both because pipes are prepped at the pipe yard by tallying, drifting and fitting with centralisers (if required) before load out.

Time invested onshore = rig-time saved = CO2 reduction

Our case studies show that you will save at least 18% of the time on your entire pipe handling process - and upwards of 50% of pipe handling time on the boat-to-rig handling alone.

TubeLock® can be stacked much higher than traditional pipe handling methods and will take up less space on the boat.

Less space on boat = fewer trips = CO2 reduction

Furthermore, TubeLock® do not need to be loaded onto the main deck on the rig - it should be lifted directly from the boat to the pipe deck, effectively saving a whole deck worth of space.

Less lifts = Less crane-time = CO2 reduction

On the backload, the system takes almost no space, as they are stacked neatly in containers, saving whole truckloads.

Less space on boat = fewer trips = CO2 reduction

Because TubeLock® saves you time and space, it also saves you money. You can reduce your rig time, the amount of money spent on fuel for cranes and boats and trucks, and even the number of personnel in the pipe yard, because pipe handling with TubeLock® only takes a few people.

Less fuel-use = fewer fuel-boats = CO2 reduction

TubeLock® TTRS significantly reduces CO2 compared to standard slings and 3rd party researched carbon footprint on a full life cycle - from the cradle to the grave.

The study shows a reduction of 35.21 tons of CO2 eq compared to regular slings. The total GHG emission of TubeLock® TTRS is 16.6 tons CO2 eq and of regular slings 51.58 tons CO2 eq. You can reduce your CO2 emission by just choosing the safer and more sustainable solution.

The difference in saving corresponds to 7,2 trips around the world.

The short story

2021-03-09 Loading Esbherg Havn_Frufo (9 of 49)

Safety is not a buzzword

Our goal is clear: We want safety for all personnel involved and at the lowest possible cost to the environment. We take our responsibility of providing a safe solution for the offshore industry very seriously. Please read about our safety vision.

Certified and with you all the way

We know that time is money, and one of the biggest worries big companies have when switching out the old ways is that new systems are hard to learn and costly to install – both because of errors in first use and retraining the crews.

You won’t find that problem with TubeLock® TTRS. Our system is ready to go and easy to use. We have extensive training videos showing you and your people how to operate the system effortlessly, and you are guaranteed to save time, even at first use. We know this because that’s the feedback we have received from our clients.