Global Gravity Attains Full Membership Status in LEEA

We are excited to announce a major milestone for Global Gravity as we proudly join the ranks as a Full Member of The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA). This achievement confirms our commitment to excellence and safety of lifting equipment verification and services.

What does Full Membership entail? 

TubeLock® TTRS is an innovative system for transporting and handling pipes in the offshore industry. The system allows for safe transport as the pipes are securely fastened in the frame system, eliminating the risk of mid-air relocation that might trap fingers and injure crew members, as is, unfortunately, a quite regular occurrence when using, for example, slings for tubular transport.

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is established across the world as the leading trade association for all those involved in the lifting industry.

What does Full Membership entail?

To become a full member of LEEA, an organisation has to have the competence and the capability to provide exemplary services, thereby enhancing the safety of the lifting industry as described by LEEA.

Now, as a Full Member of LEEA, Global Gravity joins the group of esteemed organisations engaged in lifting equipment. The elevation to Full Membership status is a testament to the company’s competence, proficiency, and commitment to delivering exceptional services within the lifting equipment sector.

The achievement is particularly noteworthy, as Global Gravity becomes one of only four companies in Scandinavia and part of an exclusive group of 1018 companies globally to hold the esteemed Full LEEA Membership.

Path to Full LEEA Membership

Our journey towards Full Membership involved dedicated efforts spanning more than 12 months. We embarked on a comprehensive journey to meet rigorous requirements, reinforcing our dedication to safety, professionalism, and technical excellence.

To successfully secure Full Membership, we had to address the following activities:

        • Design of products or software systems related to lifting equipment
        • Manufacture of lifting equipment or components
        • Manufacture of lifting equipment from component parts
        • Sales and distribution
        • Maintenance, repair, and Modification of lifting equipment
        • Installation and commissioning Services
        • Periodic examination of lifting equipment
        • Lifting Equipment Rentals
        • Testing Services
        • Training Services
        • Consultation Services
        • Use and inspections of lifting equipment
        • Any other related industries or services

In total, Global Gravity adhered to over ten scopes of activities related to its signature TubeLock system and the services it provides, all in pursuit of obtaining Full Membership status within LEEA.

A Commitment to Excellence

Global Gravity’s achievement of Full Membership status in LEEA reaffirms its unwavering commitment to excellence, safety, and innovation in the lifting equipment domain. The recognition reflects our dedication to meeting and exceeding industry standards and our continuous efforts to provide reliable and safe lifting solutions worldwide.

Stay tuned for more remarkable updates as we forge ahead on our mission to redefine the future of the lifting industry!

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