Global Gravity expands to Latin America’s market

Meet Felipe Valentim - our Business Developer in Latin America

Felipe Valentim is based in Macaé, the capital of the oil industry in Brazil. He is our man in Latin America and will work on expanding the client base in this market.

Felipe is a young and optimistic man that sees a bright future for Global Gravity and TubeLock TTRS in Latin America.

‘In Latin America, businesses started to put more focus on safety, efficiency and CO2 emission, and this is where TubeLock TTRS will step in and help them. The oil and gas industry in Latin America still has a place for various improvements, and the first step is safe and efficient transportation and handling of tubular.’ says Felipe

Felipe Valentim is our business developer that will enter and expand Latin America's market for TubeLock - tubular transporting an running system

Felipe about TubeLock

He has over 16 years of experience onshore and offshore. He started his career as an offshore mechanic and later switched and worked as part of a drilling team and as an onshore operation planner.

Furthermore, as a person who has experience with tubular transportation and handling, he knows the dangers that pipe bundling and business-as-usual wire slings bring. Therefore, he is very excited to start expanding Latin America’s market and present TubeLock TTRS to everyone in the Oil and Gas industry.

Sales & business developer
in latin america
Felipe Valentim Alves

‘I worked onshore and offshore, and I have a lot of experience with regular slings and bundling pipes. When I found out about TubeLock, I knew this product brings everything that tubular handling and transportation needs. TubeLock is a brilliant idea that saves lives, time, and money and reduces CO2 emissions. Therefore, I know once businesses start using it, they will never look back.’ Says Felipe

We are happy to have Felipe onboard Global Gravity’s team. With Felipe in our team, we are sure many operators in Latin America will learn the advantages that TubeLock TTRS brings.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Felipe.

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